Terms and conditions
On this page you will find our terms and conditions for Limelight Arts Travel’s lecture and events program.
For the terms and conditions of booking on our tours, please click here.
Limelight Arts Travel
Terms and Conditions - Lectures and Events
Valid from 11.07.2022
Last updated 11.07.2022
When you book on one of our lectures or events, we ask you to accept the following terms and conditions:
All bookings to these events must be made via our website. Each booking is for one screen. Full payment must be made at the time of booking by credit card. Bookings for online lectures are non-refundable.
Upon booking you will receive a booking confirmation with a link to access the lecture. This link will be resent to you approximately one hour before the event commences. These links will be sent only to the email you provided at the time of booking.
If we cancel an event, we will notify you and refund you in full. If we need to reschedule an event (if, for example, a speaker has become ill), we will notify you as soon as possible. If the event cannot be rescheduled, we will refund you in full.
If you experience major technical problems that prevent you from attending the live event – for example, an internet outage – then we will provide you with a recording of the event if one is available. If there is no recording available, then you will be given a credit of the same value to attend a future online event.
Forwarding the link to access the lecture to people who have not booked to attend the online event is a violation of the terms and conditions and your booking may be cancelled. Forwarding a link to a recording or providing access to a recording to a person who had not booked to attend the event is a violation of these terms and conditions and may result in further action.
Limelight Arts Travel’s online events take place using the Zoom platform. While Zoom has become a widely used platform because of its reliability, there are factors outside of our control, such as unexpected internet outages or variations in your internet speed, that may affect the quality of the transmission. By booking on an online event, you acknowledge these technical limitations.
Nothing in these terms and conditions is intended to limit, exclude or modify the guarantees implied by statute that cannot be limited, excluded or modified under the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (CAA) or any equivalent applicable under state or territory law. If any guarantees are implied by law that cannot be excluded, then to the extent permitted by law, our liability for such guarantees is limited, at our option, to:
i) in the case of goods, the replacement of goods, or the supply of equivalent goods, or the payment of the costs of replacing the goods or of acquiring equivalent goods; and
ii) in the case of services, the supply of services again, or the payment of the cost of having the services supplied again.
To the extent permitted by law, Limelight Arts Travel is not liable for any indirect or consequential loss, cost, damage, liability or expense.
We reserve the right to amend these terms and conditions from time to time, without notice. The terms and conditions apply as at the date of your initial booking.