A Closer Look
Did you know that the average visitor to the Louvre spends 17 seconds looking at Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa? But that scientific research also shows that our physical and mental health improve when we stop, slow down and look closely at a single work of art for a sustained amount of time? In Limelight Arts Travel’s series, A Closer Look, our experts guide you through the process of looking at a work of art in context, revealing the hidden details and stories that lie behind the masterpiece.

A Closer Look: Episode 10 - Rosalba Carriera’s Self Portrait as Winter
Episode 9: Dr Kathleen Olive discuss Rosalba Carriera’s remarkable approach to portraiture using oil pastels, a medium she popularised in the eighteenth century.
A Closer Look: Episode 9 - Michelangelo’s David
Episode 9: Dr Kathleen Olive and Dr Nick Gordon discuss Michelangelo’s David and the philosophies it embodies.

A Closer Look: Episode 8 - Utagawa Hiroshige vs Vincent van Gogh
Episode 8: Dr Kathleen Olive and Dr Nick Gordon compare two masterworks in different media, to explore the dramatic effects on modern art of West meeting East.

A Closer Look: Episode 7 - Artemisia Gentileschi’s Judith Slaying Holofernes
Episode 7: Dr Kathleen Olive takes you into Artemisia Gentilieschi’s spectacular Judith slaying Holofernes in Naples’ Capodimonte Museum.

A Closer Look: Episode 6 - Paul Cézanne’s Mont Sainte-Victoire with a Large Pine Tree
Episode 6: Dr Nick Gordon discusses a superb landscape by modern master, Paul Cézanne.

A Closer Look: Episode 5 - Ogata Kōrin’s iris screens
Episode 5: Kathleen Olive explores Ogata Kōrin’s magnificent iris screens, a highlight of Tokyo’s Nezu Museum and a towering achievement of the Rinpa School of art.

A Closer Look: Episode 4 - Bellini’s Leonardo Loredan
Episode 4: Limelight publisher Robert Veel takes us into the world of Renaissance Venice, with Giovanni Bellini’s portrait of Leonardo Loredan.

A Closer Look - Episode 3: Guttuso’s Vucciria
Episode 3: Dr Kathleen Olive introduces us to Renato Guttuso’s monumental painting of a Palermo street market, La Vucciria.

A Closer Look - Episode 2: Vermeer’s Milkmaid
Episode 2: Dr Nick Gordon takes a closer look Vermeer’s Milkmaid.

A Closer Look - Episode 1: The Mona Lisa
Episode 1: Dr Kathleen Olive takes a closer look at the Mona Lisa.